l Annual Report
Group Greenhouse Gas Emissions Report For France-Based Entities
Article 75 of the French
Grenelle II
law requires major companies to
publish their greenhouse gas emissions (GHG). This GHG report only
includes scopes I (i.e., direct emissions related to resources owned or
controlled by the company) and II (i.e., indirect emissions caused by the
purchase or production of electricity) throughout France: “Greenhouse gas
emissions report: assessment of the total volume of GHG emitted into the
atmosphere over one year by the activities of the organization on national
territory, and expressed as tons of CO
equivalent.” This GHG report must
provide an account of all greenhouse gas emissions produced from the
Group’s activities for the year which precedes the report, in this case 2011.
The decree also requires that the GHG report must be accompanied by an
action plan to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
In France, a number of subsidiaries must comply with this GHG
emissions reporting obligation (Canal+ Group, Universal Music France,
Blizzard Entertainment and SFR). Vivendi wished to consolidate all of
the GHG emissions reporting from its subsidiaries to present a Group
GHG emissions report for its France-based entities. Although below the
reporting thresholds, Vivendi has included the corporate headquarters
in its carbon reporting to ensure that it is comprehensive. Vivendi’s GHG
report is presented in the 2012 CSR Detailed Report, available on Vivendi’s
corporate website.
An Optimized Environmental Reporting Protocol
To improve the Group’s environmental reporting and meet in full the
requirements of the French
Grenelle II
law, the environmental indicators
and the process of data collection (network of correspondents, collection
tool, definitions of thresholds and indicators) were reviewed, which
enabled the Group to optimize the number of environmental indicators and
to incorporate new ones that take account of specific aspects of Vivendi’s
business activities:
purchase of paper for external use, such as publications and reviews,
as well as the purchase of packaging and cardboard for products
intended for sale;
measures taken to adapt water consumption according to local
constraints; and
measures taken against the visual nuisance of relay antennas.
Other indicators, deemed not relevant to Vivendi’s activities by
independent experts, have not been included in the reporting data: e.g.,
measures implemented for the prevention, reduction and remediation of
emissions and emission into the air, water or soil, and measures taken to
limit any impact upon the environment and protected animal and plant
In the course of optimizing environmental reporting, minimum thresholds
were applied to enable a more efficient selection of sites for data
reporting, which include the biggest consumers of electricity, packaging
and heating fuels, and the biggest waste generators (IT centers, games
and music development studios and warehouses). For smaller offices, we
estimated certain consumption data, especially electricity consumption.
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