This table establishes the correspondances between the non-financial information published by Vivendi in the period 2014 and the principal reporting references:
Guidelines of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI - G4 version);
GRI's Media Sector Supplement;
Article 225 of the French Grenelle II law;■
Principles of the United Nations Global Compact;■
OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises.Thus, the table shows the location of the information required by the
GRI Guidelines(«core» option) within the group’s publications: the
Annual Report 2014(AR 2014); the
CSR headingof Vivendi’s institutional website
(; the
2014 Non-financial Indicators Handbook; or any other document available online.
The table then presents the correspondances with the other non-financial reporting references.
The information published in
Vivendi’s Annual Report 2014have been subject to verification by Vivendi’s Statutory Auditors.
The references to Article 225 of the French Grenelle II law are structured as follows:
A = “Provisions of the Law and General Reporting Principles”;
B = “Social Data”;
C = “Environmental Data”;
D = “Information on Company’s Commitments to Support Sustainable Development”
References to Vivendi's 2014 Communication on Progress (COP) were not included in this table since the COP had not yet been published at that time.
Annual Report 2014 (AR 2014)
Vivendi institutional website