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Directors, Senior Management and Supervisory Bodies

Information about the Company |

Corporate Governance

| Reports



the grant of performance shares to members of the Management

Board and executives of the business units;



review of the Company’s equal opportunities policy; and



the employee shareholding policy and status. Assessment of the Supervisory Board’s


On a regular basis, and at least once every three years, the Supervisory

Board undertakes a formal assessment of its performance alongside

the Corporate Governance, Nominations and Remuneration Committee.

In February 2015, this assessment was completed on the basis of a

questionnaire given to each member of the Supervisory Board and

through individual interviews led by Vivendi’s General Counsel. In

addition, every year, one item on the agenda is dedicated to a discussion

of the performance of the Supervisory Board.

The assessment conducted in February 2015 revealed that the majority of

the members of the Supervisory Board are satisfied with the current size

and composition of the Supervisory Board in terms of age, nationality and

diversity, as well as expertise, culture and experience. They also believe

that the time-frames for calling meetings, the frequency, duration and

conduct of Board meetings, the consideration given to their requests,

the division of work between the Supervisory Board and the committees,

and the involvement of the Supervisory Board and the committees in the

major decisions of the Company is satisfactory.

The majority of the Supervisory Board members would like to devote

more time to strategic issues. This request has already been accepted

and a Supervisory Board meeting dedicated to the group’s strategic

challenges, attended by the business units, is scheduled for May 2015.

Generally, the members of the Supervisory Board believe they receive the

information they need to function effectively on the Supervisory Board. Committees of the Supervisory Board

Organization and Operating Procedures of the Committees

Until June 24, 2014, four specialized committees assisted the Supervisory

Board in fulfilling its duties: the Strategy Committee, the Audit

Committee, the Human Resources Committee, and the Governance and

Nomination Committee.

Since the work assigned to the Strategy Committee as part of the

strategic review launched in the summer of 2012 was completed, and

given the fact that, in the context of the group’s growth, all members

of the Supervisory Board had to participate in a review of both organic

operations and strategic acquisitions, the Strategy Committee was

discontinued. In addition, after noting that the work and line of thinking

of the Governance and Nomination Committee and the Human Resources

Committee overlapped and were complementary, the Supervisory Board

decided to combine these two committees into a single Committee, the

Corporate Governance, Nominations and Remuneration Committee.

As a result, since June 24, 2014, two specialized committees have

been assisting the Supervisory Board in fulfilling its duties: the

Audit Committee and the Corporate Governance, Nominations and

Remuneration Committee. The members of these committees are

indicated below.

The functions of the committees may not include delegating powers

granted to the Supervisory Board by law or pursuant to the Company’s

by-laws, or reducing or limiting the powers of the Management Board.

Within the scope of the powers granted to it, each Committee issues

proposals, recommendations or advice, as required.

The Supervisory Board has appointed a Chairman for each Committee. The

two Committees of the Supervisory Board are comprised of Supervisory

Board members, appointed by the Supervisory Board. The members are

appointed on a personal basis and cannot be represented by a delegate.

Each Committee determines the frequency of its meetings, which are held

at the registered office of the Company or in any other place that may be

agreed by the Chairman of the Committee. Committee meetings can also

be held using videoconferencing or other telecommunications technology.

The Chairman of each Committee sets the agendas for meetings after

consultation with the Chairman of the Supervisory Board. Minutes of

each Committee meeting are drafted by the General Counsel, under the

authority of the Chairman of the relevant Committee, and are sent to

the members of the relevant Committee and to all other members of the

Supervisory Board. Information about the committees’ work is included


Each Committee may request from the Management Board any document

it deems useful to fulfill its purpose and functions. The Committee

may carry out or commission surveys to provide information for the

Supervisory Board’s discussions, and may request external consulting

expertise as required.

The Chairman of a Committee may invite the members of the Supervisory

Board, as well as any other person, to attend a meeting of such

Committee. However, only Committee members can take part in its

deliberations. Each Committee may decide to invite any individual of its

choice to its meetings, as needed.

List of Committee members

Audit Committee

Corporate Governance, Nominations and Remuneration Committee

Daniel Camus (Chairman)

Nathalie Bricault

Pascal Cagni

Alexandre de Juniac

Henri Lachmann

Pierre Rodocanachi

Philippe Bénacin (Chairman)

Claude Bébéar (Non-Voting Member)

Paulo Cardoso

Philippe Donnet

Aliza Jabès

Virginie Morgon

Pierre Rodocanachi

Katie Stanton

In addition to permanent committees, the Supervisory Board may


ad hoc

committees comprised of all or some of its members,

each for a limited term and for specific purposes, for exceptional

operations or tasks based on their importance or nature.


ad hoc

Committee was set up at the beginning of 2014, in order to

review, among other things, offers received for the purchase of SFR.

It was made up of Mr. Henri Lachmann (Chairman), Mr. Daniel Camus,

Mr. Alexandre de Juniac and Ms. Nathalie Bricault. This Committee

met eight times in April 2014 and the rate of attendance at its meetings

was 97%.


Annual Report 2014