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Directors, Senior Management and Supervisory Bodies

Information about the Company |

Corporate Governance

| Reports

Stock Trading Ethics

In compliance with the recommendations of the AFEP/MEDEF Code,

hedging of transactions by means of short selling or using derivative

financial instruments or options contracts of any kind is prohibited for all

company officers and employees.

Any direct or indirect sale and purchase transactions by members of the

Supervisory Board involving the Company’s securities, whether by way of

open market or off-market trading, are forbidden during blackout periods,

namely those communicated to the members of the Supervisory Board by

the General Counsel, and during the period:



from the date on which members of the Supervisory Board become

aware of specific market information in relation to the Company’s

day-to-day business or prospects which, if made public, would be

likely to have a material impact on the Company’s share price, up to

the date this information is made public; and



of 30 calendar days preceding and including the day of publication

of the Company’s quarterly, semi-annual and annual financial


The Chairman of the Corporate Governance, Nominations and

Remuneration Committee must be informed as soon as possible by any

member of the Supervisory Board of any material purchase, subscription,

sale or swap transaction involving securities issued by the Company

which, while not falling within the scope of the above paragraph, is

entered into by any relative of, or entities connected with, such member

or the member’s relatives, and where such transaction was recommended

by such member or where such member was informed of its existence.

The General Counsel must also inform the Chairman of the Corporate

Governance, Nominations and Remuneration Committee of any

transactions declared pursuant to the above paragraph.

Family Relationships

To the Company’s knowledge, there are no family ties between members

of the Supervisory Board or between any of them and any member of the

Management Board.

Absence of Conflicts of Interest

To the Company’s knowledge, there are no actual or potential conflicts of

interest between Vivendi and any member of the Supervisory Board with

regard to their personal interests or other responsibilities.

Pursuant to the internal rules of the Supervisory Board, members of the

Supervisory Board have a duty to inform the Supervisory Board of any

actual or potential conflict of interest situation they have encountered, or

might encounter in the future. When the Supervisory Board discusses any

matter relating, directly or indirectly, to one of its members, the member

concerned may be asked to leave the Supervisory Board meeting during

the deliberation and voting process.

Absence of any Conviction for Fraud,

Liability Associated with a Business Failure,

Public Accusation and/or Sanction

Over the past five years, to the Company’s knowledge:



no member of the Supervisory Board has been convicted of any fraud-

related matter;



no member of the Supervisory Board has been associated with

bankruptcy, receivership or liquidation while serving on an

administrative, management or supervisory body;



no official public accusation or penalty has been brought against or

imposed on any member of the Supervisory Board; and



no member of the Supervisory Board has been prevented by a court

from acting as a member of an administrative, management or

supervisory body or from participating in the management of a public


On January 22, 2014, pursuant to Articles 187


and 187



Italian Legislative Decree 58/1998 (

Testo Unico della Finanza

), Financière

du Perguet and Financière de l’Odet as well as Mr. Vincent Bolloré, were

jointly and severally ordered to pay an administrative fine of €1 million

each in relation to the companies’ acquisition of 3% of the capital of

the Italian company Premafin (excluding any personal acquisition), and

obligated not to hold Corporate Officer positions in Italy for a period of

18 months, which had no affect as the latter held no such officer positions

on that date.

Agreements between the Company

and Members of the Supervisory Board –

Service Contracts

There are no service agreements or contracts between any member of

the Supervisory Board and the Company or any of its subsidiaries that

grant benefits to such members under the terms of such agreements or


Loans and Guarantees Granted

to Members of the Supervisory Board

The Company has not granted any loans or issued any guarantees to any

member of the Supervisory Board.

Internal Regulations and Jurisdiction

of the Supervisory Board

Authority and Functions of the Supervisory Board

pursuant to French Law and the Company’s By-Laws

As required by law, the Supervisory Board continuously monitors the

management of the Company by the Management Board. It may proceed

with any verification or control it deems appropriate and is provided

with all documents it deems useful to the fulfillment of its purpose and


Internal Regulations

The Internal Regulations of the Supervisory Board is a purely internal

document intended to supplement the Company’s by-laws by setting forth

the Supervisory Board’s operational procedures and the rights and duties

of its members. It is not enforceable against third parties and may not be

appealed by them against members of the Supervisory Board.

Functions and Powers of the Supervisory Board

under the Internal Regulations

The following transactions require the prior approval of the Supervisory




disposals of real estate property or the sale of all or a portion of

investments in companies, where any individual transaction exceeds

€300 million;



issues of securities that, directly or indirectly, give right to the share

capital of the Company or issues of convertible bonds, in excess of

€100 million;



issues of non-convertible bonds in excess of €500 million, except

for transactions for purposes of renewing debt obligations on more

favorable terms than those initially granted to the Company;


Annual Report 2014