2013 Annual report - page 141

Annual Report -
Information About The Company |
Corporate Governance
| Reports
Management Board
Philippe Capron
Member of the
Management Board
(Served up to
December 31, 2013)
French citizen.
Business Address
Veolia Environnement
36, avenue Kléber
75016 Paris, France
Expertise and experience
Mr. Philippe Capron was born on May 25, 1958 in Paris and is a graduate of the
École des Hautes Études Commerciales (HEC) and of the Paris Institut d’Études
Politiques. From 1979 to 1981, he was an assistant to the Chairman and Secretary
of the Board of Directors of Sacilor. After graduating from École Nationale
d’Administration (ENA) in 1985, he became an Inspector of Finance. From 1989
to 1990, he was Advisor to the Chairman and CEO of Duménil Leblé (the Cérus
group), and then, from 1990 to 1992, Chief Executive Officer and member of the
Management Board of Banque Duménil Leblé. From 1992 to 1994, he was a
Partner in the strategy consulting firm Bain & Company. From 1994 to 1997, he
was the Director of International Development and a member of the Executive
Committee of the Euler Group, and, from 1998 to 2000, the Chairman and CEO
of Euler-SFAC. In November 2000, he joined the Usinor Group as Chief Financial
Officer and was also a member of the Executive Committee until 2002, when he
was appointed Executive Vice President of the Arcelor Group, responsible for
the Packaging Steel Division and then the distribution and international trading
businesses. At the beginning of 2006, he became Chief Financial Officer and a
member of the Management Committee of Arcelor. In January 2007, Mr. Capron
joined Vivendi as Chief Administrative Officer. In April 2007, he was appointed to
the Management Board and as Chief Financial Officer. Since January 1, 2014, he
has been Senior Vice President of Veolia Environnement, responsible for finance.
Positions currently held
Vivendi Group
(up to December 31, 2013)
–– Canal+ Group, Vice-Chairman and
member of the Supervisory Board
–– Canal+ France, member of the
Supervisory Board and Chairman
of the Audit Committee
–– Maroc Telecom (Morocco), member
of the Supervisory Board and Chairman
of the Audit Committee
–– SFR, Director and Chairman of the Audit
–– Veolia Environnement, Senior Vice
President responsible for Finance
–– Groupe Virbac, member of the
Supervisory Board and Chairman
of the Audit Committee
–– Member of the Société d’Économie
Positions previously held that have
expired during the last five years
–– NBC Universal, Inc. (United States),
–– Tinubu Square, Director
–– Activision Blizzard, Inc. (United States),
Chairman of the Board of Directors and
Human Resources Committee, member
of the Governance and Nominating
–– GVT Holding SA (Brazil), Director
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