2013 Annual report - page 138

Annual Report -
Information About The Company |
Corporate Governance
| Reports
Management Board
Main activities of current members of the Management Board
Jean-François Dubos
Chairman of the Management
French citizen.
Business Address
42, avenue de Friedland
75008 Paris
Expertise and experience
Mr. Jean-François Dubos was born on September 2, 1945 in Cabourg. He
has previously been Senior Executive Vice President, General Counsel and
Secretary of the Management and Supervisory Boards of Vivendi.
Mr. Dubos is a Master of Requests (Counsel) of the French Council of State
Maître des Requêtes au Conseil d’État
In 1991, Mr. Dubos joined Compagnie Générale des Eaux, the predecessor of
Vivendi, as deputy to the Chief Executive Officer, and, in 1994, was appointed
Senior Executive Vice President and General Counsel. From 1993 to 1999,
he was also Chief Executive Officer of the Carrousel du Louvre.
From 1984 to 1991, while a full-time member of the French Council of State
Conseil d’Etat
) in its Administrative Jurisdiction and Internal Affairs Division,
he worked on a wide range of matters, including education, internal affairs,
urban planning, national heritage conservation, and codification of laws.
From 1981 to 1984, he was co-head of the cabinet of the French Ministry
of Defense. He was also a lecturer at the École Nationale d’Administration,
as well as at the Université de Paris I (Sorbonne), Paris X (Nanterre),
Paris V (René Descartes) and at the IEP Aix-en-Provence. Jean-François
Dubos holds a degree in English and Spanish, and graduated in public
international law and political science from Université de Paris X. He has
also participated in two summer sessions of the Academy of International
Law at The Hague.
Mr. Dubos holds various voluntary positions in the world of culture.
He is General Secretary of the Aix-en-Provence International Opera Festival
and a member of the Board of American Friends, a Director of
Amis de
, Vice-Chairman of the Arles International Photography Festival,
and Chairman of
Maison Européenne de la Photo
. He is also Chairman of
Centre de Musique Baroque de Versailles
and Director and Treasurer of
Théâtre du Châtelet
in Paris.
Positions currently held
Vivendi Group
–– Canal+ Group, Chairman
of the Supervisory Board
–– GVT Participações Ltda (Brazil), Chairman
of the Board of Directors
–– SFR, Director
–– Maroc Telecom (Maroc), member
of the Supervisory Board
Positions previously held that have
expired during the last five years
–– Canal+ France, Chairman
of the Supervisory Board
–– Canal+ Group, Vice-Chairman
of the Supervisory Board
–– SFR, permanent representative
of Vivendi on the Board of Directors
–– Activision Blizzard, Inc. (United-States),
Director and member
of the Compensation Committee
–– CMESE, member of the Supervisory
–– Eaux de Melun, member
of the Supervisory Board
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