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Compensation of Directors and Officers

Information about the Company |

Corporate Governance

| Reports

Compensation Elements Owed or Granted for Fiscal year 2014 to Members of the Management Board, Subject to

Notice to the Combined General Shareholders’ Meeting of April 17, 2015 (AFEP/MEDEF Code application guidelines)

Mr. Arnaud de Puyfontaine – Chairman of the Management Board

Compensation elements

(fiscal year 2014)

Amounts or value

(before taxes and social

security contributions) Description

Fixed compensation (full year)


Gross fixed compensation approved by the Supervisory Board on June 24, 2014, upon

the recommendation of the Corporate Governance, Nominations and Remuneration


2013 variable compensation paid in 2014 na

2014 variable compensation paid in 2015 €1,282,500

At its meeting held on February 27, 2015, upon the recommendation of the

Corporate Governance, Nominations and Remuneration Committee, the Supervisory

Board approved the variable elements of the compensation of the Chairman of

the Management Board in respect of 2014. It amounts to 142.5% of his fixed

compensation (see Section

Variable deferred compensation


The Chairman of the Management Board does not receive variable deferred


Multi-year variable compensation


The Chairman of the Management Board does not receive multi-year variable


Extraordinary compensation


The Chairman of the Management Board does not receive any extraordinary


Stock options


The Company stopped awarding stock options in 2013.

Performance Shares


(book value)

On February 21, 2014, upon the recommendation of the Human Resources

Committee, the Supervisory Board approved a grant of 100,000 performance shares

to compensate Mr. de Puyfontaine for the loss due to his resignation from his former

external positions. The definitive grant of such performance shares is subject to

the satisfaction of performance conditions over two consecutive years (2014-2015),

assessed at the end of this period and based on two criteria as follows: (i) an

internal indicator (with a weighting of 70%): the group-level EBITA margin, and

(ii) external indicators (with a weighting of 30%): performance of Vivendi shares

compared to the STOXX


Europe 600 Media Index (19.5%) and the STOXX



600 Telecommunications Index (10.5%).

Director’s attendance fees


As for all corporate Directors at group headquarters, the Chairman

of the Management Board receives no attendance fees.

Benefits in kind


Company car without driver and the pay-out of the vacation balance

under the employment agreement that terminated June 24, 2014.

Deferred compensation elements

owed or granted in 2014 that were

subject to prior approval of the

General Shareholders’ Meeting under

the procedure applying to regulated

agreements and commitments



Severance payment

No payment

Conditional commitment in the event of termination at the initiative of the Company,

subject to performance conditions (see Section

Non-competition payment

No payment

The Chairman of the Management Board receives no payment of this kind.

Supplemental retirement plan

No payment

As for a number of the Vivendi group’s senior management, the Chairman of the

Management Board is eligible for the defined-benefit supplemental retirement plan

set up in December 2005, approved by the Combined General Shareholders’ Meeting

held on April 20, 2006.

Upper limit: 30% of reference salary (fixed + variable) with a maximum of 60 times

the social security upper limit.

Annuity growth rate in 2014, including a seniority-based increase within the group: 2.5%.

na: not applicable.


Annual Report 2014