2013 Annual report - page 169

Annual Report -
Information About The Company | Corporate Governance |
The high rating of Vivendi’s CSR policy gives investors comfort in their
investment choices. Vivendi’s commitments to favoring the diversity of
musical and cinematographic expression, pluralism and content quality,
intercultural dialogue, access to new information and communication
technologies, and the empowering of young people, are what enable
the Group to win market share. These trends and developments
demonstrate that economic performance and sustainable development
go hand in hand.
An Integrated Reporting Approach
Vivendi has initiated an integrated reporting approach, motivated by a
desire to better assess the CSR contribution to the results achieved by
the Group in the various missions that form part of its media activities.
Since 2003, the promotion of cultural diversity in the production and
distribution of content has been recognized as a strategic issue and has
contributed to the Group’s economic performance and to strengthening
social cohesion. In 2013, General Management gave its approval to a
pilot project aimed at measuring the contribution made by investments
in a wide and diverse range of musical, film and audiovisual content to
the creation of societal and financial value.
This approach was initially limited to Universal Music France, Canal+
in France and Studiocanal and to a specific type of capital: cultural,
or intangible, capital. Led by Vivendi’s Corporate Social Responsibility
(CSR) department, with the encouragement of General Management,
this initiative involved the Finance and Strategy departments of these
three entities, as well as representatives of certain investors (Amundi,
Groupama AM and Oddo Securities).
This exercise has demonstrated that producing richly diverse cultural
content satisfies the public interest (societal value) and gives the Group
a competitive advantage over its competitors (financial value). Please
see Chapter 2 of this Annual Report.
Integration of CSR into Vivendi’s Governance and Strategy
Consistent with its Internal Regulations, the Supervisory Board assigned
to the Strategy Committee the annual task of reviewing the societal
responsibility policy implemented by the CSR department, which reports
to Vivendi’s General Management.
The CSR department establishes guidelines and engages in cross-
disciplinary activities, in close collaboration with the operating teams
at headquarters and business units. Since 2003, it has been supported
by a CSR Committee, which meets several times a year. This Committee
brings together representatives dedicated to CSR issues in the
business units with the representatives of several corporate functional
CSR Criteria Included in Senior Executives’
Variable Compensation
The Supervisory Board has defined three strategic CSR issues with
associated criteria that apply to all subsidiaries and are directly related
to their activities: protecting and empowering young people; promoting
cultural diversity and artists; and knowledge sharing. The Supervisory
Board has required these CSR criteria to be defined for each business
based on its expertise and positioning.
The Human Resources Committee, within the Supervisory Board,
assesses performance against these criteria and determines the
components integrated into the variable compensation of executives.
Non-Financial Reporting, a Management Tool
Vivendi’s non-financial reporting is a CSR management tool that enables
the Group to better control risks and capitalize on its opportunities.
The incorporation of indicators linked to the Group’s strategic issues
is an innovative approach in the media and cultural industries sector.
In 2013, Vivendi’s reporting Protocol was updated: it meets the
requirements of Article 225 of the French Grenelle II law and
incorporates the guidelines of the Media Sector Supplement of the
Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), to which Vivendi has been an active
contributor. Its review of the material aspects of societal indicators has
been deepened.
The non-financial data collected pursuant to this reporting Protocol is
presented in Chapter 2 of this Annual Report and such disclosure has
been audited by Ernst & Young. In the cultural and creative industries
sector, Vivendi has for several years pioneered the reporting and
verification of indicators directly linked to its activities.
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