As a reminder, Vivendi has applied the following accounting standards for the last five years:
In millions of euros, number of shares in millions, data per share in euros.
(a) The non-GAAP measures of EBITA, Adjusted net income, Net Cash Position (or Financial Net Debt), Cash flow from operations (CFFO) and Cash flow from operations after interest and income tax paid (CFAIT) should be considered in addition to, and not as a substitute for, other GAAP measures of operating and financial performance as presented in the Consolidated Financial Statements and the related Notes or as described in this Financial Report. Vivendi considers these to be relevant indicators of the group’s operating and financial performance.
Each of these indicators is defined in the appropriate section of this Financial Report or in its Appendix. In addition, it should be noted that other companies may have definitions and calculations for these indicators that differ from those used by Vivendi, thereby affecting comparability.
(b) As a reminder, as of September 23, 2021, Vivendi ceded control and deconsolidated 70% of Universal Music Group, following the effective payment of a special distribution in kind of 59.87% of UMG’s share capital to Vivendi’s shareholders, including the distribution of a special interim dividend in kind of €22,100 million in respect of fiscal year 2021.