Business Address
Tour Bolloré – 31-32, quai de Dion-Bouton
92811 Puteaux Cedex – France
Expertise and experience
A graduate of Paris-Dauphine University, Cyrille Bolloré holds a Master’s degree in economics and management, with a major in finance.
He was Deputy Manager of Supplies and Logistics at Bolloré Energy from November 2007 to November 2008, and then Manager from December 2008 to August 2010. He was appointed Chief Executive Officer of Bolloré Energy in September 2010 and Chairman in October 2011.
Cyrille Bolloré became Vice Chairman and Managing Director of Bolloré in August 2012, Deputy Chief Executive Officer in June 2013 and Chairman and Chief Executive Officer in March 2019.
He was Chairman of Bolloré Logistics until December 2014, Chairman of Bolloré Transport Logistics from November 2014 to May 2016, and has been Chairman of Bolloré Transport & Logistics Corporate (formerly Bolloré Transport & Logistics) since April 2016.
Since September 2017, Cyrille Bolloré has been Vice Chairman of Financière de l’Odet, where he also served as Chief Executive Officer from September 2017 through March 2018.
Cyrille Bolloré has experience in an integrated multinational company and in the content, media and communication businesses. His appointment also strengthens the Supervisory Board’s expertise in issues relating to emerging markets, in particular, Africa.
Positions currently held (in France)
Bolloré Group (in France)
Bolloré SE (*), Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
Bolloré Energy, Chairman of the Board of Directors
Bolloré Transport & Logistics Corporate (formerly Bolloré Transport & Logistics), Chairman
Compagnie du Cambodge (*), Chairman of the Management Board
Sofibol, Chairman of the Supervisory Board
BlueElec, Chairman
Financière de l’Odet (*), Vice Chairman and Director
Bolloré Participations SE, Director
Financière V, Director
Omnium Bolloré, Director
Société Industrielle et Financière de l’Artois (*), Director,
Financière Moncey (*), Permanent representative of Compagnie du Cambodge on the Board
Société Française Donges Metz, Permanent representative of Financière de Cézembre on the Board
Bolloré Africa Logistics, Permanent representative of Bolloré Transport & Logistics Corporate on the Board
Bolloré Logistics, Permanent representative of Bolloré Transport & Logistics Corporate on the Board
Sogetra, Permanent representative of Globolding on the Board
JC Decaux Bolloré Holding, Member of the Supervisory Board
Positions currently held (outside France)
Bolloré Group
Financière du Champ de Mars, Director
SFA SA, Director
Nord-Sumatra Investissements, Director
Plantations des Terres Rouges, Director
African Investment Company, Director
Other positions and offices held (in France)
Other positions and offices (outside France)
Socfinaf (*), Permanent representative of Bolloré Participations SE on the Board
Socfinasia (*), Director
* Listed company.