l Annual Report
Vivendi carries out a CSR policy that links its economic, societal, social,
and environmental performance with its activities and geographic
The Group makes its commitments clearly visible to all of its stakeholders
and partners: customers, employees, shareholders, suppliers, public
authorities, artists and civil society. These commitments, which
encompass the three specific issues mentioned above, are developed in
ten priority action areas:
Ethics and business conduct;
Protecting and empowering young people;
Promoting cultural diversity;
Knowledge sharing;
Protection of personal data;
Leveraging content and innovation;
Vigilance towards suppliers;
Territorial development;
Leveraging human resources;
Environment and radiofrequencies.
These are described in detail in the 2012 CSR Detailed Report, available
on Vivendi’s website
). This report also includes all of
Vivendi’s non-financial indicators for 2012 as well as the cross-reference
tables for the various reporting guidelines (Global Reporting Initiative -
GRI, French
Grenelle II
law, OECD, and United Nations Global Compact).
Vivendi’s Ten Priority Action Areas
Creating Shared Value
Societal priorities are at the forefront of Vivendi’s concerns and
commitments. This position is welcomed by all stakeholders with whom
the Group maintains a regular and constructive dialogue, including:
the academic communities (New York University, Paris Sorbonne),
institutions (e.g., UNESCO, United Nations Alliance of Civilizations,
European Commission,
– French Data Protection Authority, etc.)
and NGOs (e.g., European Schoolnet, ORSE,
Collectif Interassociatif
Enfance et Médias
). Vivendi also meets with financial and non-financial
analysts (approximately 30 investors in 2012) and individual shareholders
and ensures that its social partners are made aware of its societal
responsibility policy.
Vivendi continues to be included in the principal SRI (Socially Responsible
Investment) indices: the Dow Jones Sustainability World Enlarged Index
(Vivendi is among the top 20 most socially responsible media companies
in the world), the ASPI Eurozone (Vigeo) index, the Ethibel Sustainability
Index (Ethibel), the ECPI Ethical Indexes (E-capital Partners), and the
FTSE4Good Global (FTSE). Since 2011, the Group has been awarded
Corporate Responsibility Prime status by Agency Oekom. In 2012,
Vivendi was the only company in the media sector to be included in the
three SRI indices (Global, Europe and France) created by Vigeo. Vivendi,
once again listed in the Global 100 of the world’s most responsible
companies, is ranked fourth out of all French groups.
The high rating of Vivendi’s CSR policy gives investors comfort in their
investment choice and demonstrates that societal responsibility goes
hand in hand with economic performance. Culture is a very good example:
the Group has a competitive advantage over its peers by offering diversity
of content. Local artists across 59 countries account for more than 60%
of Universal Music Group’s physical and digital sales. Similarly, diversity
in films, which is at the heart of Canal+’s production line, meets
subscribers’ demands: in 2012, 90% of them felt that the films distributed
by the channel represented a diverse range of genres, and 86%
of subscribers were satisfied with its film programming.
Encouraging cultural diversity is a key aspect of Vivendi’s CSR policy:
how can the Group promote the creative capacity of both current and
future generations? How can the Group avoid monoculture? How can the
Group combine cultural investment with human development? Vivendi
has created a number of indicators to evaluate its actions (please refer
to Section 2. hereafter on societal data as well as to the 2012 CSR
Detailed Report).
This innovative choice to make culture a structural element of
Vivendi’s societal responsibility is widely recognized as a source of
value creation. This led, Amundi, one of Vivendi’s major shareholders, to
incorporate an assessment of culture into its reference framework for non-
financial analysis and into its system for rating the stocks in its portfolio.
In 2012, to promote the role of culture in the international sustainable
development agenda with tangible results, the Group created the
“Culture(s) with Vivendi” website (
This website invites Vivendi’s audiences to fully engage themselves in
culture by:
discovering music and film catalogs (“Artist Inspiration” section tab);
learning more about the value chain of cultural industries (“Creative
Jobs” section tab); and
opening up to different cultures and sharing their artistic experiences
(“Intercultural Dialogue” section tab).
On May 21, 2012, the World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue
and Development, the “Culture(s) with Vivendi” website went online,
allowing the Group to participate in the “Do ONE Thing for Diversity
and Inclusion” campaign launched by the United Nations Alliance
of Civilizations, in partnership with UNESCO. The CSR department
was involved in presenting this website at numerous national and
international events.
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